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December 9, 2022

New release: iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 12th edition – for all iPads using iPadOS 16

Available NOW from our online shop – £11.99 (paperback edition) / £6.99 (ebook PDF edition)

This bestselling guide, iPad for Seniors in easy steps, 12th edition, is updated to cover iPadOS 16. Written in larger type, it’ll help senior folks learn how to use and enjoy myriad iPad features with ease:

  • Choose the right model for you, master Multitasking Gestures, and customize the iPad for your needs.
  • Use your iPad to keep in touch with family and friends. Make video calls and send messages for free; take and share photos.
  • Shop and order food and more online; take a virtual tour of your favorite art galleries and museums; plan and book your trips.
  • Explore the new and enhanced features in iPadOS 16, and make the most of your new device!

You don’t have to ask the kids anymore!


192 pages
By: Nick Vandome
ISBN: 9781840789812

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