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June 2, 2023

New release: Microsoft Excel in easy steps

Available NOW from our online shop – £11.99 paperback / £6.99 ebook

Microsoft Excel in easy steps guides you through the essential functions of Microsoft Excel – whether you are new to Excel and the spreadsheet concept, or just upgrading from an older version. This edition is illustrated using the most up-to-date version of Excel in Microsoft 365 at the time of printing.


The book starts with the basics then reveals the key clever features on offer – all in easy steps!

Areas covered include:

  • Creating, editing, and manipulating worksheets.
  • Formulas, functions, tables and importing data.
  • Handy templates to give you a head start.
  • Macros for everyday tasks to save time.
  • Charts to get an overview of your data.
  • What-if, Goal Seek and Optimization.
  • Using the Excel Online app to share and collaborate on spreadsheets and workbooks.
  • Adding images and illustrations to your spreadsheets to impress your colleagues!


Whether you’re new to Excel or new to spreadsheets, use this guide to get more out of Microsoft Excel, and manage your finances and data effectively – both at home and at work!

192 pages
By: Mike McGrath & Michael Price
ISBN: 9781840789966

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