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July 4, 2023

A quicker way to select files in Windows 11

The traditional way of selecting a bunch of files is to drag a box around them with the left mouse button depressed. Individual files are selected by holding down the Ctrl key.

Windows 11 provides a better way:

1) In File Explorer, click the See more button (three dots) on the Menu bar. Select Options and click the View tab in the Folder Options panel.

2) Scroll down the list and check the Use check boxes to select items option.

3) Now, click the Apply button to implement your change






The next time you open a folder, hovering the mouse over each file opens a check box to the left of the file. Simply check the box to select the file. This method is quicker and more precise.


Check boxes will appear beside each file in any File Explorer view – for any size Icons, List, Details, Tiles, or Contents.



Find more tips like this in Windows 11 Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps – available in paperback and ebook formats from our online shop now.

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By: Nick Vandome

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