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April 14, 2023

New release: Web Design in easy steps, 7th edition

Available NOW from our online shop – £12.99
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Guides you through the process of creating a website – in easy steps!

Web Design in easy steps, 7th edition reveals the key principles of good web design, which is the art and science of building effective and attractive websites. The book will introduce you to the key technologies of the web, and the design principles that underpin successful sites.

Whether you’re a budding designer who plans to build your own site, or you just want to be able to talk to professional designers in their own language, this book will give you an understanding of how websites are designed so that you can make the right decisions in launching your own site. You’ll also be able to build your own simple website using HTML and CSS. When you find useful code snippets and templates online, you’ll know how to edit them and integrate them into your website correctly.

Web Design in easy steps, 7th edition will ensure you set off in the right direction on your journey to creating a great website, with robust knowledge of the technologies and techniques that will deliver the best experience for your visitors.

228 pages
By: Sean McManus
ISBN: 9781840789850




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