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May 2, 2023

New release: Agile Time Management in easy steps

Available as an ebook now from our online shop – £9.99

Agile Time Management in easy steps brings an agile approach to the management of time itself. It takes the best concepts and methods of the agile approach and applies them to time management in its broadest sense.

Time needs to be managed, not just on agile projects, but in business and in life in general, so Agile Time Management in easy steps takes the best concepts and methods of the agile approach and applies them to time management in its broadest sense.

What Agile Time Management can do for you:

  • Change the way you view time itself and how best to use it.
  • Recognize that demands on your time will always exceed the amount of time you have available.
  • Shows you how to deal with the conflicting interests life throws at you.
  • Put you in control of your life.
  • Improve your personal productivity and effectiveness.
  • Spend more time on the things that really matter to you.
  • Make the most of every minute, hour, day, week, and year of your life.
  • Give you a simple system for achieving meaningful results.
  • Achieve a proper work-life balance.
  • Stop worrying about the future and get on with the present.
  • Show you how to become a happier person.


By: John Carroll
eISBN: 9781840789911

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