Join the exciting world of GO programming! Learn coding with Google’s Go language (golang)
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GO is a free open-source programming language created at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson – best known for development of the Unix operating system. Google released version 1.0 of the Go language (“golang”) in March 2012, since when it has gained widespread popularity.
GO Programming in easy steps begins by explaining how to easily create a programming environment on your own computer, so you can quickly begin to create your own working programs by copying the book’s examples. After demonstrating the essential building blocks of computer programming it describes how to use data abstraction for object-oriented programming and demonstrates how to code goroutines and channels for concurrency in your programs.
GO Programming in easy steps instructs you how to write code to create your own computer programs. It contains separate chapters demonstrating how to store information in data structures, how to control program flow using control structures, and how to create re-usable blocks of code in program functions. There are complete step-by-step example programs that demonstrate each aspect of coding, together with screenshots that illustrate the actual output when each program is executed.
GO Programming in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone who wants to begin programming in Google’s GO programming language.
The code in the listed steps within the book is color-coded making it easier for beginners to grasp. You need have no previous knowledge of any computer programming language so it’s ideal for the newcomer.
About the author
Mike McGrath now lives in South-east Europe, on the sun-kissed shores of the Aegean Sea. Mike gained his extensive knowledge of computer languages while working as a developer contracting to companies around the world. His interests include coins of ancient Greece, dining-out with friends, and the ongoing evolution of the world wide web.
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Page 6 – Program code example corrected to include “func”.
Pages 12-13 – Beware tip added re: turning off GO111MODULE (and a Don’t forget tip moved from page 12-13 to make room).